- 00:00 – Open/Intro
- 02:39 – Dead Dad Advice
- 11:35 – Ask Bane
- 15:11 – Dr. P’s News Round
- 15:42 – Doodle Diddler in Trouble Again
- 20:10 – Love, Waffle House Style
- 22:23 – Iranian Space Monkey
- 27:54 – New Zealand Cat Hater
- 33:36 – Close
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I listened to the whole show and I am still confused. Was it Iran or North Korea with the space monkey?
The North Koreans are eating their children. The Iranians have the space monkey.
They should get together and have a space monkey BBQ.
The easiest way to remember the difference is… Iran shoot their monkeys into space, North Korea mates them with bears & puts them in their Monkey Bear Circuses. If you can’t remember that, just learn the simple acronym ISTMISNKMTWBAPTITMBC.
Man, I’ve been trying to figure out a way to remember who is who with those two.