Sometimes it’s tough to know what to do. For example, what would you do if you were trying to slice a pizza with a filet knife and see your dog defecating on itself? We think stabbing your spouse should be pretty far down on the list of options, but that’s exactly what one lady does in our Top-of-the-Show News Round segment. There’s also some lovely, not self-absorbed people showing off their wealth on Instagram. Meanwhile, some officials in China are discussing building a new Chinese China-moon. Yes, a moon.
We’ll meet a hip-hop fan named Shaq who is trying to broaden his musical horizons by listening to Metallica. That’s tough! Also, Booze invites us to “Take a Break” with the Bald and the Beautiful, Beardo checks in and shares a recent family tragedy, and Belasco tries (again) to get everyone else to share in his personal obsession with the least sexy adult film ever created – now on Blu-Ray!
Later, Prof. Chuck Turtleman’s Guide to the Marvel Universes reviews “Iron Man 2”. Let’s just say that it’s probably better that Stan Lee is no longer able to hear it.
Stick this one in your noggin because it’s a good one.
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