Featuring: Belasco, Booze, Dr. P, Hiccup
Producer: Booze, Belasco
In which soon-to-be father, Hiccup, shares with us the safest place to hide your weed, Booze educates us on the “Pink Pound”, Dr. P displays his vast knowledge of Squatter’s Rights, and Belasco gets all hot and bothered at the Austin Comic-Con. We also take some time to go over the Penn St. scandal with all the grace and sensitivity you’ve come to expect from SFJ.
Direct Download (right-click, “Save link as…”)
[audio:20111208_SFJPOD_034.mp3|titles=Round Table-Hand Placement]
[audio:20111208_SFJPOD_034.mp3|titles=Round Table-Hand Placement]
- Austin Comic-Con photo library (Flickr)
- Wonder Woman cosplay @ ACC (Flickr user: Honey Badger 007)
- Michael Biehn
- Barbara Nedeljakova
- Julie Dawn Cole (Veruca Salt)
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PO Box: 163922
Austin, TX 78716-3922
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